While the second Sonic the Hedgehog movie won’t hit theaters until the end of March, Paramount has confirmed that a third movie in the franchise is already in the works. The studio is also coming up next year with a TV series revolving around the Knuckles. Paramount confirms the arrival of a third Sonic movie […]
Joep has something to confess to Caroline at MAFS
Couples from “married at first sight” converge, but not all of them do. The click between Maurice and Argan is missing. He’s slowly coming to Joe and Caroline, but Joep still has something to confess to his new bride… “I had a great time, but it’s closed” Experts predicted that in the future, Sonny and […]
Eva Jinek can’t imagine a relationship with someone who doesn’t like animals
Eva considers herself a true animal lover, but just when considering there are people who don’t like animals, the presenter has to scratch behind her ears – not hers. “I think it’s crazy for someone to have ‘nothing’ with animals,” says Eva. “Her world revolves around her cats and it is overflowing with love.” I […]
Naomi Campbell (51) with her 9-month-old daughter on the cover of Vogue | show
Supermodel Naomi Campbell made the British front page with her nine-month-old daughter this month Vogue magazine† It’s the first time the 51-year-old has shared a photo of the girl. Campbell made Announced in May She became a mother. She surprised her boyfriend and opponent with this, because she did a fashion show a little while […]
John Williams puts the ‘selfish’ guy in his shoes at HMMIK: ‘Isn’t it?!’
In “Help, my husband is witty!” Women regularly pass through despair and this evening is no different: Anchin has been camping with her family for years at their home in Middleburg. She is sick and tired of it, but her husband Ricardo thinks everything is fine. He prefers to spend time on his hobbies and […]
Spotify blocks and removes Lil Kleine from all editorial playlists | show
Spotify has removed all of Lil Kleine’s music from its editorial playlists. These are playlists created by the streaming service itself in which music is directed to the listener. Wilbert Motsiers, Head of Spotify Benelux, confirmed that the rapper’s music can still be heard on his Spotify page. Spotify will not comment further on the […]
Leontine Borsato hears it again: “It’s going well” | stars
“Sun, fresh air and friendship! (Okay, and a bit of wine.) Ingredients for a great weekend with my girlfriend in Belgium,” Leontine writes on Sunday with a photo where she poses with author and designer Lonneke Nooteboom at Safari Park Beekse Bergen with a number of giraffes I know. When one of her followers asked […]
‘Lil Kleine aangehouden voor mishandeling’ | sterren
„Wij kregen vanavond een melding van een mishandeling”, vertelt een woordvoerder van de politie Amsterdam. „De verdachte is in een auto gestapt en weggereden. Even later hebben wij hem zien rijden op de Stadhouderskade. Daar is de verdachte aangehouden. Het gaat om een 27-jarige Amsterdammer.” De politie zegt dat er maandag onderzoek wordt gedaan. Bewakingsbeelden […]
The royal family puts an end to the traditional photo session of Lech | show
The traditional family portrait of the Oranjes in Lech family has been canceled this year. The State Information Service announces that the family only wants to photograph it in full and this is not possible this year due to the absence of Princess Alexia. The summer counterpart that takes place every year at the end […]
Britney calls her sister Jimmy Lynn a ‘scum’ in an angry Instagram post | stars
Jamie Lynn announced to her followers this week that she has “officially become a national best-selling author.” Spears’ sister has been honored for selling an impressive number of books in the Amazon Christian Inspiration category in a short period of time. The predicate is not linked to a specific number of books sold. In the […]