Britney calls her sister Jimmy Lynn a ‘scum’ in an angry Instagram post | stars

Britney calls her sister Jimmy Lynn a 'scum' in an angry Instagram post |  stars

Jamie Lynn announced to her followers this week that she has “officially become a national best-selling author.” Spears’ sister has been honored for selling an impressive number of books in the Amazon Christian Inspiration category in a short period of time. The predicate is not linked to a specific number of books sold.

In the post I mentioned writing Things I have to say, a book about her life, “one of the most challenging and vulnerable things” she has ever done. However, Britney believes that the book only sells well because it has been in the news recently due to the receivership she’s been under for years. She thinks her sister is helpful in that.

“National bestseller??? Singer DUH said….the timing of your book was incredible Jimmy Lynn…especially knowing that the entire world had no idea what was really happening to me! “I wish you could take a lie detector test so everyone can see that you’re lying because you’re cracking!” In the book, Jamie Lynn denies knowing anything about her sister’s situation.

Britney’s lawyer sent a letter to Jamie Lynn earlier this month claiming that the post contained “misleading or outrageous allegations” about the singer, she reported. And! News. According to the lawyer, Britney has not read the book, and the singer “has no intention of doing so.”

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