There is not much difference between VVD, NSC and GroenLinks-PvdA

Afghan National PolicePolling station in Bussum. Noos News•Today, 12:10 Eight weeks before the election, Bellingweisser formed three little-differentiated parties: the VVD, Peter Omtzigt’s National Security Council Party, and the GroenLinks-PvdA. Poll index is a weighted average of opinion polls Ipsos/EenVandaag And Input and output research. Shortly after its founding, the NSC was Bellingweisser’s largest party […]

The Netherlands is the largest importer of products at risk of deforestation within the European Union

France Press agencyIllegal deforestation in Brazil Noos News•Today, 00:01 Of all the EU countries, the Netherlands imported the most goods at risk of deforestation from non-EU countries last year. The Netherlands is the largest importer of soybeans, palm oil and cocoa and the second largest importer of timber and beef products. This was reported by […]

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