North Korea has detained US player Travis King, who was extradited to China earlier on Wednesday. During a tourist trip to South Korea in July, King deliberately crossed the border into North Korea without permission.
King is currently on his way to America. He was arrested in northern China. The soldier is fine.
The US government says a Swedish government official has traveled to North Korea to arrange King’s release. It is not clear why Sweden played a role.
The man, who is in his twenties, admitted to illegally entering North Korea. He reportedly expressed his displeasure at the inhumane treatment and racism within the US military. Because of that, North Korea has previously said that he wants to go to North Korea or another country.
King was on his way to America for disciplinary action
King enlisted in the U.S. Army in January 2021 and has since been charged twice with attacks in South Korea. He pleaded guilty in one of the cases. He also admitted to damaging the police car, according to court documents. King was convicted in South Korea and had to return to the United States for disciplinary action.
The soldier was taken to the airport in July but returned to South Korea after security checks. During that tour he participated in a tour of Panmunjom to escape to North Korea.
Panmunjom is a village on the armistice line that separates the two Koreas. This line shows where the front was when the Korean War ended with an armistice in 1953. Pyongyang and Seoul are still officially at war.