Jean-Alain’s mainstay takes him to court

The prison system’s humanization program is one of the highlights of former Republican Attorney General Jean – Alain Rodriguez’s four years. However, it was this that led him to the New City Palace Detention Center with his accomplices for their involvement in the Medusa corruption network. This Thursday, Judge Kenya Romero of the National District […]

Photo of Maduro regime unleashing anger against Javier Tarasona, activist arrested and inciting terrorism and hatred

Javier Tarasona with a photo he took to the attorney’s office to request an investigation into his relationship with the guerrillas On June 30, 2021, Professor Javier Tarasona, Director General of the voluntary charity Fundrades, visited the Attorney General’s Office and called for an inquiry. “Relations of senior officers who exercised military and civilian power […]

Brazil’s Supreme Court has ordered a 90-day hearing to determine whether Jair Bolsanaro was abusive in purchasing vaccines against COVID-19.

Brazilian President Jair Bolsanaro (REUTERS / Ueslei Marcelino) There will be an office of the Attorney General of Brazil Within 90 days To investigate possible abuses by the President, Jair Bolzano, During vaccination talks against COVID-19, the Supreme Court reported this Saturday. That period was established by the Magistrate Rosa Weber, A member of the […]

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