Elle Wapiti was finally released from a heavy 16kg car tire around the neck after two years | Abroad

The four-and-a-half-year-old male had to be anesthetized first. After that, his horns were removed, too, the Colorado District Parks and Wildlife Twitter account wrote. “We would have preferred to cut the tire to save the antlers,” Wildlife Director Scott Murdoch said in a statement Monday. But there was no other choice. Inside the wheel was […]

Writer Sally Rooney refuses to sell translation rights to Israeli publisher Modan

Sally Rooney in 2017.Build Getty Images In a statement, the 30-year-old Irishman expressed his support for boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS). This group says it wants to end “international support for Israel’s oppression of the Palestinians and to persuade Israel to comply with international law.” Rooney referred to a report released earlier this year in […]

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