Author: Herb Brewer

USA for a lengthy Govt study

The National Institutes of Health said 30,000 to 40,000 people will be involved in the study and will use digital data, including the input of wearable devices. “We know that some people have turned their lives upside down by the long-term effects of Govit-19,” said NIH Director Dr. Francis Collins. “These studies are aimed at […]

The Chockler family plunged the United States into the opioid crisis (making a fortune from it)

Written by American journalist Patrick Raton Keefe Empire of Pain Relief, The terrifying story of the family that spearheaded the American opium crisis. The book will be published in the Netherlands on September 21 and Gerard von Westerloo will deliver the keynote address on September 27 in Amsterdam. Pre-release of the preface. The headquarters of […]

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