William’s decision
William was due to make the decision at the last minute. “He wanted to form unity with the family during this difficult time,” a source within the royal family told British media.
Together they looked at Windsor Castle’s support statements – including notes – and spoke to fans, who flocked to the site in droves. Although they were close to each other and there was definitely no hostile atmosphere, they were mainly interested in the audience and not with each other.
He immediately began performing in the rumor mill. Does this mean everything is back to normal between William and Harry? The two brothers had been at odds with each other for some time. The first stories about this appeared when Prince Harry began an affair with Meghan Markle. His older brother would not like this relationship.
Harry and William are seen together quite often and in October 2019 Harry confirmed that their relationship had indeed deteriorated. “We’re brothers, we’re still brothers. We’re already going down different paths in our lives now, but we’ll always be there for each other.” This is what he said in the documentary film about him and his wife about their journey in Africa. “Most of the stories in the press are based on nothing. But you know, as brothers you have good and bad days.”
هاري يتحرك
قال أوميد سكوبي ، الذي كتب السيرة الذاتية: "هذه بلا شك لحظة مهمة للعلاقة بين الشقيقين". البحث عن الحرية كتب عن هاري وميغان. "مثل جنازة الأمير فيليب ، هذه هي اللحظات التي يمكن فيها لأفراد الأسرة تنحية مشاكلهم المشتركة جانباً لفترة من الوقت للتركيز على خسارتهم."
سيحدد الوقت ما إذا كانت هناك بالفعل مصالحة بين الأخوين. من المؤكد أنهم كثيرًا ما يلتقون في الفترة التي تسبق جنازة إليزابيث ، يوم الاثنين ، 19 سبتمبر.
وقالت إنغريد سيوارد ، رئيسة تحرير المجلة البريطانية: "اتخذ ويليام مبادرة مهمة بدعوة هاري يوم السبت". جلالة. "الآن الأمر متروك لهاري لاتخاذ الخطوة التالية."
“Unable to type with boxing gloves on. Freelance organizer. Avid analyst. Friendly troublemaker. Bacon junkie.”