Omtzigt was asked to become Minister of State for Finance | the interior

Omtzigt was asked to become Minister of State for Finance |  the interior

They’ve been trying for a really long time to make me the Secretary of State for Finance. Like: “Peter has criticism, so Peter should do it.” Omtzigt tells this on the College Tour that will air Sunday night.

The independent MP now rejected the offer outright. “I said, ‘I have not had any information and cooperation yet. It doesn’t make sense to me and I don’t know if I’m the right person to solve this problem.”

It is not yet clear who exactly asked him for the position at the time. Omtzigt refers to the “head of the alliance” who posed the question to the CDA.

At the end of March last year, it also emerged that another position for Omtzigt was being considered. On March 25, ANP photographer Bart Maat took a picture of notes by former Minister Kajsa Olungren when she, as an informant, hastily left Binnenhof with a stack of documents. The text “Omtzigt’s job elsewhere” can be read on it.

The picture caused a significant delay in the formation process and a (new) decline in the confidence that many citizens and representatives had in the Council of Ministers.

Not so long after, he called Umtzget with the disease. He suffered from exhaustion for several months. On June 12, he canceled his CDA membership. He is now in the room as Groep Omtzigt.

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