DNA contamination in the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines

DNA contamination in the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines


  • Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines contain much more DNA contamination than is allowed
  • DNA contamination in mRNA vaccines contains DNA that codes for the complete spike protein.
  • These results are easily replicated by molecular biology laboratories
  • Research on this is indicated by the RIVM and/or the European Medicines Agency (EMA)
  • The presence of DNA encoded in the vaccine may lead to unwanted integration into human DNA
  • Long-term effects after vaccination in patients such as chronic inflammatory reactions of the heart, blood vessels, skin, or nervous system associated with prolonged expression of elevation may be partially explained by this.
  • People with complaints after vaccination can easily be tested for unwanted expression of the spike protein and integration of the spike gene into their DNA using immunohistochemical and molecular detection techniques.

DNA contamination

The DNA that encodes the spike protein is used to produce an LNP mRNA vaccine against Covid-19. This process is called in the laboratory-transcription, which uses DNA as a matrix to produce mRNA. The spike gene is located on the so-called plasmid-DNA. In addition to the barbed gene, this plasmid also contains resistance genes to the antibiotics kanamycin-neomycin and/or ampicillin. Also, plasmids sometimes contain an element that allows them to multiply in human cells, the so-called Origin of SV40 for replication. It precedes the spike of DNA coding genes T7 promoter, an element that allows high expression of mRNA in bacteria, but only if they are infected with a bacterial virus, the so-called T7 bacteriophage. T7 inducer is usually of low activity in human cells. It now appears that the corona vaccines contain not only pure mRNA, but also (parts) of the plasmid DNA used to produce the mRNA vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna. (1). This is a potential risk due to the possibility of long-term production of the toxic toxin protein by cells in various organ systems.

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By injecting lipid-encapsulated DNA complexes, such as those found spam in Pfizer and Moderna vials, the DNA can be absorbed by the human cell and then possibly incorporated into the DNA. This allows the spike DNA gene to begin producing a new spike mRNA. This will happen if the spike DNA is accidentally integrated into an active region of the human genome. mRNA technology has long been considered genetically safe because mRNA cannot simply be integrated into the human genome, something DNA can do.

According to several published studies (2-7), spike protein can be found in the human body for several months after vaccination, for example in the skin, heart, brain, and lymph nodes. It is not yet clear how this is possible. The assumption was that the mRNA vaccine and/or the spike protein are highly stable. However, the discovery of elevated gene DNA in mRNA vaccines raised the possibility that cells that inserted this plasmid could produce DNA.

according to its specifications European Medicines Agency (EMA) Some DNA contamination is allowed in mRNA vaccines, up to a maximum of 0.033% (8). However, the amounts found are 20 to 1,000 times higher. In addition, it was not known until now that contamination might relate to the intact spike gene. Other potentially harmful genetic elements, such as genes that can cause antibiotic resistance, have also been found.

More research into this is urgently needed, as vaccine contaminated with plasmid DNA may partly explain the long-term post-vaccination symptoms, for which appropriate diagnoses and treatments are currently lacking. The diagnostic approach could be a combination of anti-spiking immunohistochemistry (2), PCR, Sanger sequencing, and/or On site Hybridization specific to vaccine or viral mRNA and/or DNA.

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The current research was conducted by a team around genomics expert Dr. Kevin McKiernan, former head of research and development for the Human Genome Project at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT); Founder and CSO (Chief Scientific Officer, Chief Scientific Research Team) of Cannabis Genomes Medical Genomics. The basic data and protocols are complete open source Easy to replicate for molecular biology laboratories.

do not wait

It can be argued against the current study that (1) the article has not yet been published Peer review It is, (2) it relates to a limited number of vials that are also past their expiration date and (3) that the principal investigator works for a company that handles cannabis genomes, among other things.

Why we draw attention to the fact that (1) the article describes clear and verifiable research, from a molecular biological and genomic perspective, (2) research based on the methodology described can easily be replicated by specialized laboratories, (3) DNA contamination cannot be explained by aging of flasks and (4) It is clear that the PI is an expert in genomics.

The group of doctors therefore sees these data as a basis for stopping the use of mRNA vaccines until their safety, including reproductive safety, has been tested in both humans and animals in the usual way for genetic interventions, and calls for parliamentary questions to be put to the VWS Minister about this contamination.

Agilent genomic DNA assay strip for an undiluted vaccine preparation. 300 µL of inoculum was purified and extracted in 300 µL of MGC Elution Buffer (Tris-based) to maintain original inoculum volumes. 7.5-11.3 ng/ul. The blue line on the right (9347) shows the linear vector DNA containing the complete spike gene.


  1. McKernan, K., Helbert, Y., Kane, LT, & McLaughlin, S. (2023, April 10). Sequencing of Moderna and Pfizer mRNA vaccines detects nanogram to microgram amounts of dsDNA expression vector per dose. https://doi.org/10.31219/osf.io/b9t7m
  2. Case report: multifocal necrotizing encephalitis and myocarditis after BNT162b2 mRNA vaccination against COVID-19. Vaccines (Basel). 2022 Oct 1; 10 (10): 1651. doi: 10.3390/Vaccines 10101651. PMID: 36298516; PMCID: PMC9611676.
  3. Yamamoto M., Kase M., Sano H., Kamijima R., Sano S. Persistent varicella-zoster virus infection after mRNA COVID-19 vaccination has been associated with the presence of a spike protein encoded in the lesion. J Catan. Immunol. sensitive. 2022 doi: 10.1002/cia2.12278.
  4. Magen, E.; Mukherjee, S. Bhattacharya, M.; Detroja, R.; Merzon, E.; Bloom, i. Levov, A.; Shlaporsky, M.; Baum, G; Talisman, R.; et al. Clinical and molecular characterization of a rare case of myositis associated with the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine. Vaccines 2022, 10, 1135.
  5. Roltgen, K.; Nielsen, SCA; Silva, or. Yunus, S. Zaslavsky, M.; Costalis, C.; Yang, F.; Wirz, or; Solis, D.; huh, t. et al. Immune imprinting, breadth of variant recognition, and germinal center response in human SARS infection and vaccination. Cell 2022, 185, 1025–1040.e14.
  6. Bansal, S.; Perincheri, S. Fleming, T. Paulson, C.; Tiffany, b. Bremner, RM; Mohanakumar, TJ Immunol. Baltim. MD. 1950 2021, 207, 2405-2410.
  7. Boomer, C.; Alisheva, c. Damage, d. ; Gross, Yu. Hamm, C; Assmus, b. ; Westenfeld, R.; Kelm, M.; Ramos, S.; Wenzel, P.; et al.. Intramyocarditis after COVID-19 vaccination: a case series confirmed in endocardial biopsy. Int J mol. Sciences. 2022, 23, 6940.
  8. EMA documents a limit of 330ng/mg (0.033%) DNA/RNA. Page 74
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