Author: Herb Brewer

In the United States, a new wave of infections is leading to more deaths, and hospitals are overcrowded

A corona patient in Houston was stabilized before being taken to hospital.Field cartridge pictures More than 100,000 Americans have been hospitalized by Corona Hospitals in the United States are overflowing again. In total, there are now more than 100 thousand corona patients in the hospital. The U.S. media reports that several southern states, including Florida, […]

United States tax authorities are rewarding startups for developing analytics tools for Bitcoin

Last week, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) released a document on the launch of a blockchain analysis. U.S. tax authorities want to get a better understanding of what are called ‘cross-chain transactions’, for which they are now offering a price to TRM. Bitcoin en cryptotransacties The term “cross chain” refers to the payments that take […]

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