France: The United States and Australia lied about the submarine deal

France: The United States and Australia lied about the submarine deal

French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Trian.Image AFP

Australia instead decided to make a new agreement with the United States and the United Kingdom: the security agreement AUKUS. As part of the deal, the country will receive US nuclear-powered submarines.

French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Trian speaks of a “serious crisis” between the allies. “There is a big violation of lies, hypocrisy, trust and contempt,” the minister said. “It can’t be between allies.” Le Trian called England “opportunistic” for its involvement in the deal.

President Emmanuel Macron on Friday decided to recall his ambassadors from the United States and Australia due to the crisis. According to Le Trian, this is a ‘very symbolic’ move aimed at clarifying the severity of the crisis. According to Le Trian, Macron and US President Joe Biden have not yet spoken to each other about the issue.

The leaders of the AUKUS countries have previously explained that their agreement is aimed at guaranteeing security and stability in the Asia-Pacific region.

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