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TLDR: TMP is the scapegoat, but I think deals were made to release a new driver system at all. We won’t know exactly what was agreed upon until we feel it.

This first part really tickles me. I’ve said it many times before, but it’s just the same: Microsoft is very bad at communication or bad at lying/marketing. They prefer to ignore things and talk about them. The fact is that Windows 11 is based on a completely new driver model, and this is because most errors from older versions were associated with drivers. (This is from a presentation from Microsoft Link† The problem with the new driver model is that everyone has to create new drivers for existing devices, and that’s what you’re asking of manufacturers who prefer not to support anything anymore so they can sell new stuff.

My idea that Microsoft didn’t bring to the table to protect the hardware sector (and to increase the market share of windows 11 a bit anyway):
They’ve sat around a big round table with all the major hardware manufacturers, including Intel and AMD. They had to convince them to support the new driver model. Where, for example, Intel said “Nice and cool, but you don’t think we’re going to miss this opportunity to sell new hardware. We support this generation (9 or 10 call time) not rest.” Microsoft makes a counteroffer: “Come on, dude! You can’t do that. Then at least do 8th Gen and an expensive part 7th Gen.” Intel: “Okay, we can live with that.” And so what I think is that the arbitrary limits of Intel Gen 8 are there for Win11.

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Now I get to the point: there is a workaround. Yes, it’s true, but it depends entirely on the functionality of the old OS that they actually want to get rid of with Windows 11. Who or what prevents them from releasing an update in 2025 will prevent you from getting updates if you are using the old OS. They no longer have to keep it for Win10. The modification is sold under “Security” in the linked video. It’s obviously important, and I’m not immediately aware of it, but I don’t know what makes an 8th generation intel more secure than a 4th generation. As far as I know, it was all just simple architectural improvements. It doesn’t seem safe/unsafe to me.

I follow the MS brochure, but I think I can see through their connections. They only bring what we want to hear as a customer/consumer, not concrete agreements or reasons. This prevents me from using a workaround, which in the worst case scenario can really bother me, albeit in the year 2025. Plus, I’ve run into quite a few annoying errors on my work laptop, which doesn’t make me eager to go fast Great for switching to Windows 11, especially with a PC that’s not right for it according to Microsoft.

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