Participant Miljoenenjacht loses millions at the last minute

Participant Miljoenenjacht loses millions at the last minute

Briefcase, after briefcase Annemieke played with. It went so well that she still eventually had five big sums in the game, including €5 and €2.5 million. Despite this, the offer she received from the bank was “only” 239 thousand euros. Linda knew what she would do with this offer: “I don’t think this is the offer you are saying… It’s a lot of money, don’t get me wrong, but I think the difference between 239,000 euros and 5 million is big.”

Sober Annemieke agreed and decided to continue playing. In this round, only low amounts of the game were played again, so that the bank’s bid rose to 477,000 euros. Presenter Linda de Mol couldn’t take it anymore. “It hasn’t happened for a long time that anyone at this point in the game still has these three bags. You can write history, anime.”

Then it descended. After Annemieke chose to continue, she played the larger of the two sums. “Unbelievable…it’s been going so well all the time…” Linda says disappointed. As a result, the bank’s offer was almost halved to 259 thousand euros.

In the next round, Annemieke would only have to get rid of one bag, but after that setback she did not dare to take any more risks. In the end, the participant returned home with 259,000 euros. It could have been €218,000 higher, but Animeki wasn’t shivering about it. Linda also reassures her: “I’m sorry that I can’t give you that much money that I dream of this season. But yes, 259,000 euros is of course also fantastic.”

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research Here Yesterday’s episode.

chasing a million dollars It can be seen Sunday at 8 p.m. on SBS6 and can be seen on

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