Omroep Flevoland – News – No refund, but a new ticket to Floriade negative reviews

Omroep Flevoland – News – No refund, but a new ticket to Floriade negative reviews

Visitors to Floriade who have submitted complaints in online reviews will receive new tickets from the organization. That Looopings site reports. Visitors can exchange new tickets for a code, so they can visit Floriade again at a later time. Entry fees are non-refundable.

In a large number of reviews, visitors to Floriade complain that the park is unfinished, the green spaces are poorly maintained and the parking lot was “too murky”. Adverse reactions also reached Floriade. The organization says it takes feedback seriously and acts on it. “We naturally regret the unpleasant experience of visitors to the park,” Floriade writes.

to me Site Visitors who complain that Floriade finds it ‘extremely unfortunate’ have been told the first impression is ‘disturbing’. “We invite you to come back later in the season. We will send you new codes to redeem tickets.”

Also negative reviews internationally
Internationally, there are also negative reactions to Floriade. Many German and English visitors complain about the fact that the entrance fee must be paid in full, while not everything is finished yet. On the internationally oriented Tripadvisor, negative reviews prevail.

By the way, the promise of new tickets has not been followed up, and many visitors are currently still waiting for a response from Floriade. “We are currently working hard to eliminate this backlog and reduce our response times to a maximum of 24 to 48 hours,” the organization said in a statement to Looopings. “Sometimes things don’t go as expected, or as we would like, but we learn from that and benefit from it.”

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