I don’t see requests as annoying at all, but you have to put each request in context of course. As I’ve written elsewhere, users sometimes think they’re asking for a very minor tweak, but don’t realize that a lot of man-hours can still be invested in it. Then it looks at how much demand that job is and where/when you can take it with you.
It’s fine for someone to ask a question, but to get listed quickly, the question has to come close to multiple people.
Perhaps an example from the software development world could shed some light on some. Sometimes you may be asked for a new job in the application you are developing. The functionality itself seems trivial, but of course you know as a developer that nothing is trivial and a simple tweak can sometimes have a negative effect. So you’re not just dismissing that, but setting it aside on the low priority layout board. When you work on this job, you can take it with you or when you have many questions about this job, you can still give it a higher priority and receive it quickly.
So you should see my original answer in this context. Erwin wrote: Requested by your administrator and won’t cancel there. This seems to me: it will quickly adjust the registry settings. But of course don’t do it quickly.
I am well aware that I use Windows in a different way than, say, a developer or an accountant. You can see that very quickly in the software I’m using and other people are using. And yes, users come up with many questions for customizations, but if we answer negatively, it is definitely not always because we do not pay attention to what others want.
So the example you gave is also different from what Irwin mentioned at the beginning. You say that if a request comes from several people, you can take it with you. We do that too. But we’re not just going to make an exception for one person quickly. This is what I would like to stress above all else.
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