Google does not have to put a deleted video of an interview with Member of Parliament Eberen van Haga about Corona measures again on YouTube. Google was allowed to remove the video because it violated the video platform’s Covid policy. Moreover, the removal of the video does not constitute an illegal violation of freedom of […]
The event industry wants to act: ‘If it’s not safe now, then it’
According to Unmute Us, the government is acting out of fear after the Delta version exploded among young people celebrating in June. It later turned out that advice from the outbreak management team (OMT) and Fieldlab about the safe organization of events had been ignored. More young people have now been vaccinated and there is […]
Towing of cars that have been blocked due to the risk of spontaneous fire | Financial issues
Opel is now also inviting Dutch owners of the all-electric Opel Ampera-e 2019 model year to submit a report to the dealer, reports. The automaker confirms this. Due to the risk of fire, cars from that year will be equipped with a new battery, just like old cars. system update Opel Ampera-e owners can […]
Customs see more counterfeit goods due to the Corona crisis
React, a non-profit organization that works globally against trademark counterfeiting, has been dealing with a growing number of cases since last year. Brands such as Versace, Philips, L’Oréal and Apple are members of the organization. React also believes that there are many fakes circulating due to the Corona crisis. “Almost all of us went shopping […]
Steve Jobs signs Apple II manual for auction for $787,483 – Computer – News
I agree with you somewhere, the low vote makes no sense on the one hand, and on the other hand it also has nothing to do with it, because the article is not about the so-called superiority of apples, but simply about the fact that the book was signed by a former CEO who made […]
‘Christmas without turkey because of the Brexit drama’ | Financial
The staff shortage in this sector does exist. And it has become truly sad for the countless businesses preparing for the traditional Christmas rush, Britain’s Guardian newspaper writes. The shortage of good staff is already starting to feel like the partial closure of Nando’s restaurant chain this week. At the island’s fast-food chain KFC, the […]
The third loss in a row for the Dow Jones | Financial
Commodity companies such as oil and steel producers have fallen sharply due to lower oil and metal prices. Concerns about economic recovery persisted due to the advance of the delta version of the coronavirus on Wall Street, as did the impending phase-out of asset purchase programs by the Federal Reserve. The Dow Jones Leading Index […]
AEX bounces back hard, but a blow to Arcelor and Shell | Financial
After the opening of Wall Street, the AEX index rebounded by a full percentage from a loss of 1.8% to a closing loss of 0.7% at a position of 755.33 points. The Midkap Index fell 1.5% by 1085.4 points. The FTSE 100 in London is down 1.5%, and the CAC 40 in Paris is already […]
Nvidia expects demand for GPUs to exceed supply through 2022
Jensen Huang, CEO of Nvidia, expects the GPU market to be limited by supply until 2022. According to the CEO, the demand for RTX video cards is “very large.” Last quarter, Nvidia again set records. Gaming revenue was $3.06 billion in the first quarter. This represents an increase of 85 percent over the same period […]
Vacancies in stores have decreased despite Corona, but not in major city centers
“Fifty buildings are now empty in this city,” says Brockmann. “But there is certainly an interest in filling the buildings. Adjusting rents, more marketing of the city to draw attention to Utrecht, these are all things there is still a lot of work to do. The dead horse, but this is not true of Utrecht.” […]