D66 leader Sigrid Kaag confirms she will become Finance Minister | the interior

D66 leader Sigrid Kaag confirms she will become Finance Minister |  the interior

It was already announced Thursday that the D66 will supply the Finance Minister. It is common for the second largest party to claim this role. It is not yet clear who will fill this role. But in a statement sent to AD, Kaag said she would do it herself. Despite the lack of financial background, she became the successor to CDA leader Wopke Hoekstra. He will also be in the government, but the ministerial position is still unknown.

In her statement, Kaag says she believes that the ambitions of her party and Cabinet can best be shaped from a finance perspective: “The Netherlands supports big choices and big investments. In education. In climate approach. In a strong Europe. The role of the finance minister is critical to the responsible implementation of these plans. “.

Kaag will also become deputy prime minister, and sees himself as an important responsibility in the position, “I’m particularly thinking about fighting polarization in politics and society.”

With this choice, Kaag became the first female chancellor of finance. Next week, you’ll report to curator Mark Rutte. In various media, on behalf of the D66, scientist Robbert Dijkgraaf (education), family planner Ernst Kuipers (public health), Almere Mayor Franc Weerwind (legal protection) and former party leader Rob Jetten (climate) are mentioned as ministers. The new government should be on stage by January 10.

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