Arjen Lubach trained for The Daily Show for a new show | stars

Arjen Lubach trained for The Daily Show for a new show |  stars

“I know a number of people out there that eventually we were allowed to ask someone who has been an executive producer on The Daily Show for 15 years,” Arjen said. “It was a helpful conversation.” For example, the producer said that some employees work fourteen or fifteen hour days. “They don’t get paid for all those hours, but they are happy to have a job like that.”

The comedian thinks he’s with Evening Show – with Erin Lubach A “slightly more hierarchical” approach than at Sunday with Lubach. “At ZML, we sometimes had discussions that lasted all day and only settled in the evening for pizza. That’s no longer possible, we now have to hand in four days a week. Now someone – probably me – just has to make the decision.”

kitchen table

Aryan has been missing since he said goodbye to ZML Earlier this year, he occasionally provided a platform for his jokes about current affairs, as he admitted in a conversation with Jeroen Wallers. “Sometimes I tweet a joke or write something for my stage performance. But sometimes my girlfriend goes crazy when I pretend that Sunday with Lubach at the kitchen table is just as much fun.”

The comedian doesn’t care whether the viewership numbers are a hit or not ZML can match. “You have the world of ratings and prices and the world of content. This second world is the only world I can influence myself in, and I will not run posts or watch people or juries. It will happen naturally if I do a good program.”

Evening Show – with Erin Lubach It can be seen in the NPO from February.

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