Another Big Brother participant has been criticized for ‘misconduct’

Another Big Brother participant has been criticized for ‘misconduct’

A viewer posts a tweet showing Grace reaching into Noel’s crotch. She would have done so with many of the participants. And is it just aggressive behavior when a man does it to a woman? or go Big brother Would you like to address Grace under the guise of equal monks, equal hood? Writes the respective loudspeaker.

Fans of the program – to say the least – are not satisfied with the behavior of the participant. He added, “This is not possible, I think you should also receive an official warning for such actions. These sentences for ‘girls or girlfriends between each other’ are prattle† One of them said on Twitter, “Excessive behavior is not acceptable in any situation.”

RTL told us in response, “We will speak to Grace and address her in that not everyone may value her intimacy and therefore she should take this into account in her behavior towards other residents. In addition, we counsel her with a psychiatrist for further explanation or explanation.” In addition, all residents have the opportunity to speak to a psychologist on a weekly basis if they wish.

Earlier, the participant also received Leroy Piles of cash after an ‘improper act’† Was not on the poster Big brother– The villa in the end not to leave. †intolerance “It means taking immediate action and implementing appropriate outcomes,” an RTL spokesperson said. “It can also mean talking to someone directly about the behavior and emphasizing the consequences if the behavior continues.” This was not the first time there Big brother That a resident gets a warning, but that doesn’t happen often.

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