Angela Schegeff battled bulimia for ten years. Because of World Eating Disorder Day of Action, the Policemen MaastrichtThe actress Friday shared her own experience with an eating disorder on Instagram.
Chigef shares a photo in which she can be seen with tape on her clothes. “This tape is for everyone who, directly or indirectly, has to deal with an eating disorder: I see you, I believe in you, it will be okay,” the actress wrote with the image.
Schijf is very frank about her own experiences with an eating disorder. “I myself suffered from bulimia for over ten years of my life. It was serious and heavy. I never really talked about it, because it’s too fragile a process to really explain.”
According to the actress, her eating disorder has nothing to do with “getting attention” or “just wanting to be thin.” “It’s a terrible mental illness that doesn’t necessarily have to be visible. I meet young women where the fear, the perfectionism, the compulsion is so great that it scares me.”
She ends her letter with words of encouragement. “To all these beautiful girls I want to say: You don’t have to do it alone. To all the moms and dads, sisters and brothers, lovers: Have faith.”
“Unable to type with boxing gloves on. Freelance organizer. Avid analyst. Friendly troublemaker. Bacon junkie.”