A heated debate in Renzi about the wolf between the forester and the sheep breeder

A heated debate in Renzi about the wolf between the forester and the sheep breeder

When it comes to wolf in the Netherlands, many people have an opinion. One stands for the animal’s molar and nail, while the other believes that extreme measures must be taken to protect sheep, for example. They are often victims of the wolf. Recently, a sheep farmer was bitten by a coyote when he wanted to chase the animal away. bee Raines Forest ranger Arjan Postma is joined by sheep farmer Ellen van der Zweb and LTO Noord Chairman Dirk Bruins.

subway Arjan Postma has talked about the wolf once before, when a documentary was also made about the animal. “There is no need for a fence around Friesland,” he said at the time. But for sheep farmer van der Zweb and “peasant representative” Bruens, something needs to be done for (or rather: against) the animal.

A heated discussion with Raines about the wolf

Sheep farmer van der Zweb first explains the wolf’s impact on her, her sheep, and her business. Her company is located in Veluwe, and this is exactly where the wolf spends a lot of time. When there are lambs she has about 800 to 1000 heads, in winter 400 to 500. She has “a lot of trouble” from that wolf. We’ve had four attacks in six months. With a huge number of dead, injured and maimed animals. And we are very troubled by the half of Holland that comes at you if you say something about it.” I noticed that as soon as you say something about the wolf, people get angry. “If I only talk about this, I will be threatened on all sides by people who say I am against the wolf, But you won’t hear me say that. I am very sad about what is happening here.”

Presenter Renz Klammer seems almost dumbfounded as she feels so much grief when her sheep are attacked. “So you are really sad when something like this happens, how important are your sheep to you?” “What’s really sad is to put it mildly. I put the animals down and then take care of them. That’s my craft and that’s my passion.” The sheep farmer receives a sum for every sheep that is attacked, but “you can’t express your grief with money”.

Maxim Hartmann: “Can’t you put off that wolf’s wolf? So he wants to eat something.” But then the forest ranger Postma intervened: “Then you get perverted behavior, which is exactly what you don’t want.” According to table guest Frits Wester, the way we keep sheep in the Netherlands is a “buffet” for the wolf. “The sheep, those lambs, can’t go anywhere. It’s not really a normal situation that way, is it? It’s too easy for that wolf.” But Postma says that’s not entirely true. “There is a lot of tension in such a wolf and the sheep are completely full of wool, which is also difficult. If you look at the remains of the prey, you will find that they prefer to eat roe deer and wild boar.”

‘Wolf is not waiting for the innovation fund’

Renzi Klammer raises the question whether we should accept “this beast” in the Netherlands, what place it should be given in this case, or whether we should not accept the animal. Postma: “Or we have to learn to deal with it. For now, sheep breeders are better left to their fate. Because there is some money, and then you can buy fences, and that’s it. Van der Zweb says she doesn’t necessarily feel left to her own devices, but she feels somewhat alone in the problem, when she looks at the government and what happened to it.

According to Postma, you can currently buy fences, but you have to set them up properly. “Most of the fences that are inspected are not good enough.” The LTO North Bruins chairman doesn’t seem to fully agree and wants to get involved. Postma says: “No, let me finish.” Van der Zweb: “But how many fences have I put up?” Postma: “I don’t want to talk about those fences.” Van der Zweep again: “But you say: ‘Most people don’t realize how to ignore that.’ But you say that to someone with experience.”

“Because it’s a new animal, that wolf. Now they say ‘you can put up an electric fence or get the money’ and I think we can come up with a smarter solution to that. We have a fund for innovation, we have enough bright minds in Holland…” Bruins rolls his eyes after Postma’s statement “But that wolf isn’t waiting for a box to innovate, is it,” says Van der Zweb.

‘What do we do?’

The forester answered, “No, but we have to go there.” “For example, you could install a watch drone,” Postma suggests. Maxim Hartmann: “What?” After Postma’s replay, he still doesn’t seem to get it and Frits Wester is tired of it: “We have thirty-forty wolves in Holland, and all the drones are hovering over them. What do we do, what’s the cost of it?” Rapid, right? There are fences for that too, right?” Postma says. “Now the situation has changed and we all have to come up with solutions that work.”

Bruins: “You act like it can and can’t be ruled out. I find that very hurtful, also towards farmers, because it’s like saying ‘if your house got broken into, you didn’t lock the door properly then you’re guilty.’” Postma: “And we also have campaigns going on So, isn’t it, for people who don’t do it well?” Bruins suggests that the only solution at the moment to protect sheep is to put them in a closed pen. But Postma continues to insist that we have to look for a suitable solution with “smart minds”. RainesThe table, however, seems that this will not work out so quickly due to the high emotions.

You can rains Watch again via RTLXL.

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A heated debate in Renzi about the wolf between the forester and the sheep breeder

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