YouTuber explains 2014 iMac to make his own Apple Studio Display for half the price

YouTuber explains 2014 iMac to make his own Apple Studio Display for half the price

YouTuber and Apple fanatic Luke Miani I managed to copy an expensive Studio Display with an old iMac 5K from 2014. The do-it-yourself computer has almost all the functionality of the new Studio Display, but at around €830, less than half the studio monitor purchase price. And this was before all other parts of the iMac were sold.

For this project, Miani simply purchased a fully functional 2014 iMac 5K from Ebay. Since Studio Display has the same resolution, the panels are pretty much the same. And that’s also the only requirement for this design: a working screen. All other parts, including the motherboard, CPU, RAM and other parts, are removed from the screen and can be resold. The only thing missing is the webcam, which Miani can connect to the new proprietary circuit board/adapter using a USB extension cable.

The end result is a less elegant version of the Studio Display with largely identical specs. Miani immediately admits that the iMac from 2014 had to make some sacrifices in terms of image quality; The range of contrast and colors is slightly lower than the new panel. This is why he recommends the 2015 or 2017 iMac for home-conscious creatives.

The total cost of this build (in dollars) is:

  • $620 for an iMac (used)
  • $179 for the adapter circuit board (new)
  • $32 for the camera (new)
  • $40 for extra cables and iFixit teardown kit (new)
  • Total: $871 (for any sales of non-essential iMac parts)

Luke Meany (YouTube)

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