YouTube makes short vertical videos available for TVs – IT Pro – News

YouTube makes short vertical videos for the platform shorts for TVs. Creating and watching videos with a minimum of 15 seconds and 60 seconds has long been possible on mobile and desktop devices.

The shorts experiences are optimized for use on mobile devices, so videos have a portrait orientation, but those videos on TVs just don’t make much sense. And therefore YouTube suggests They searched for what users want most. For example, one video displayed on the screen with information in the black areas of the screen turned out to be more popular than the regular YouTube video player design or a variant where three short videos were placed side by side.

So the layout chosen is a single video displayed, using the unused portions of the screen next to the video for additional functionality, such as title display and the like and dislike buttons. Perhaps more functions will be added to this in due course, such as related tags and comments. In the coming weeks, the shorts will be available on 2019 and newer TV models and on “newer” game consoles, likely in the form of an app update.

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