World leaders remember Gorbachev: ‘He changed the course of history’ | Currently

World leaders remember Gorbachev: ‘He changed the course of history’ |  Currently

From Putin to Arnold Schwarzenegger, people from all over the world are thinking about the death of Mikhail Gorbachev (91). The former leader of the Soviet Union is loved in the West for his role in ending the Cold War,

“A leader with the imagination to see a possible future and the courage to risk his entire career to make that future happen,” US President Joe Biden said in a statement. “The result was a safer world and greater freedom for millions of people.”

UN chief calls Gorbachev on Twitter A “unique statesman” who changed the course of history. “He did more than anyone else to peacefully end the Cold War.” French President Macron Remember Gorbachev Hello man.

According to European Union President Ursula von der Leyen, Gorbachev paved the way for a free Europe by helping bring down the Iron Curtain. A legacy we will never forget Tweet them.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson Say Having always admired Gorbachev’s “courage and integrity” in ending the Cold War. “In times of Putin’s aggression against Ukraine, his tireless commitment to opening the Soviet Union remains an inspiration to all of us.”

Gorbachev was loved in the West and criticized in Russia

As the leader of the Soviet Union, Gorbachev sought rapprochement with the West in the 1980s. Through his policy of glasnost (openness) and perestroika (reform), according to Prime Minister Rutte, Görby had “a tremendous impact on history”.

“As pioneers at the end of the Cold War and the arms race, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize,” Rutte said. on Twitter. “My thoughts are with his relatives.”

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Actor and former governor Arnold Schwarzenegger shares a photo of him and the former Soviet leader. “Mikhail Gorbachev was one of my heroes, it was an honor and a pleasure to meet him. I was very lucky to call him a friend. We can all learn from his wonderful life.”

Gorbachev is less popular in Russia. For example, opponents blame him for the collapse of the great empire of the Soviet Union as a result of his policies.

Russian President Vladimir Putin responded to the death through a spokesperson. He expresses his “deep sympathy” to Gorbachev’s relatives and will send a telegram to them this morning to convey his condolences.

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