With the exception of the Corona Corridor, the Chamber prefers the stands in the Corona debate | interior

With the exception of the Corona Corridor, the Chamber prefers the stands in the Corona debate |  interior

PVV wants to unlock everything again with FvD and BVNL, with no entry tickets. PVV leader Wilders also believes the interim cabinet lacks the mandate to require all visitors to serve food, theaters, festivals and sports competitions to prove they have been vaccinated, recovered or tested. It concludes with “options with those tickets”.

D66 also allows nightclubs to welcome revelers after midnight. MP Paternott points to the Outbreak Management Team (OMT) finding that the chance of someone contracting an infectious virus is twice as high after a negative rapid test compared to a full vaccination. As you do in Germany, says Paternot, “I open the dance floor after midnight, but for those who have been vaccinated or recovered.” Not for the unvaccinated.

This is too far anyway. Rep. Baker fears the “split” the pass could cause. The PvdA also believes that the “Paternotte Plan” goes against the government’s promise to always offer an alternative to vaccination – i.e. testing – with admission tickets. Parliament member Quicken prefers to exclude stands, snack bars and sports canteens. There may be a majority to suggest an amendment in this area, with the support of the CDA and the VVD.

no blockage

However: since all parties have their own desires, it is likely that there will be no siege on the proposal of the Council of Ministers to introduce the Corona Corridor on a large scale. The basis for the passage of Corona, the temporary law on admission tickets to Corona, has also been in force since last June. If the House of Representatives stops the broad presentation as the government is now proposing, the current situation will continue to apply, where stadiums and concert halls can only operate at two-thirds of their capacity and a meter and a half remains. Not an attractive view.

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The coalition party VVD is particularly critical of filing, enforcement and potential problems with public order, something that municipalities, police, the Public Prosecution Service and the Boas already fear. A dilemma for all the exceptions the House will make: the more exceptions, the more complex the regulation, the more complex the implementation.

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