Why don’t we do what the government wants

Why don’t we do what the government wants

The closet can think of everything—from mouth coverings, keeping your distance to staying home—we don’t. Mark Rutte and Hugo de Jonge try to convince us to act differently. friendly demand, almost begging (if you don’t do it yourself, do it for your grandparents) or strict with strict measures such as limited working hours for the catering industry, closing theaters and cinemas early in the evening; No treatment was left without a trial. But we don’t want to listen.

Are we that stubborn? Or is the government’s fault not taking the announced measures seriously or not taking them seriously enough? Mark Rutte also put him on his lap. He said, “Maybe we were very positive in September, it gave us the impression that Corona was over and stressed very little that the virus could resurface again.” We probably shouldn’t have abolished the mandatory mouth coverings and distancing.

Without underestimating our (wrong) behavior – Louis van Gaal said: In Portugal we faithfully follow the directives of the government – we sometimes get confused. We have fallen asleep with the belief that the corona will be over once we are vaccinated. It turned out to be incorrect. Factions in the House of Representatives express opposition votes. PvdA wants a strict shutdown before distinguishing between vaccinated and unvaccinated, VVD and D66 want to introduce 2G as soon as possible as a comprehensive treatment against infection and ChristenUnie doesn’t want to discriminate at all. The Democracy Forum does not believe the measures are necessary anyway because Corona will decline after the virus season is over. Who should you believe?

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There is no doubt that we are no longer so obedient. And that confidence in government has fallen to an all-time low, according to nearly every poll. But this is beyond this treasury or this epidemic. Forty years ago, the first cracks appeared, as former whistleblower Hermann Tjenk Willink wrote two years ago in his book Can Government Handle Crises? If anyone can speak of the government with power, it is Tjeenk Willlink with his administrative and political record as a Senator of the PvdA, Viceroy of the Netherlands in his role as Deputy Premier and mediator in the formation of several ministries. .

In an AD interview, Tjenk Wellink said the government has withdrawn in many areas, due to financial shortages or because of political persuasion. According to him, the government has become invisible and inaccessible due to severe budget cuts. In the countryside, the library and the village policeman have been cut down, public transportation has disappeared and the nearest practicing general practitioner miles away. People knock on the government door in vain. This distance between the government and the population is manifested not only in the Rutte coffers; It actually started under Dean Uyl and has grown under the leadership of Van Agt, Lubbers, Kok and Balkenende.

In times of crisis, and we are now in the middle of that with Corona, we see complete distrust. It is fueled by the failure of government actions, as in the case of subsidies. It explains why we no longer blindly accept what the government says or describes. But there is hope, Tjeenk Willlink believes. It would be fine with skilled ministers who the people can count on and who know what the population can expect from the government.

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These people should be found, right?

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