WhatsApp expands group limit to 512 users – IT Pro – News

yes. I’m on a telegram in several groups with large numbers of members. 400+

I worked in the taxi for some time and it is very important to be able to easily send messages if something happens. Schiphol malfunction, train malfunction. Crowded in certain areas, possibly closed roads or accidents on the road. Recently the driver who was attacked in the car felt threatened and sent this in a telegram with his live location and within a few minutes some drivers were there to help him. The police were, of course, called by fellow drivers.

I am also part of a sports association where we also have more than 400 members and there is already a read-only whatsapp and telegram group where most of the people are. Now everyone can join. Emails are not always read and last minute change can be pushed to everyone.

I think it is ideal for administrators who need to be able to address a large group of people quickly. Better than email and more effective. One can now also give a thumbs up to the icons below a message for confirmation, so now there is also something possible in terms of interacting with read-only channels.

Anyway, I see a lot of use cases. A WhatsApp group for a region, neighborhood or team at work.

[Reactie gewijzigd door Nimac91 op 10 juni 2022 17:58]

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