We will get this weather in February

We will get this weather in February

Image at left: W. van Wijngaarden, Kinderdijk. Image at right: Chris Bechevel, Mettern (Gelderland).

The last month of meteorological winter has arrived! Will there be a lot of winter weather again or will February be too mild? You can read about it in this monthly forecast for February.

For winter lovers, the February weather charts do not look promising. The month of February begins with mild, changeable and humid weather. Rain and rain from the Atlantic Ocean moves across our country at a fast pace and the winds can be very strong at times. In weather like this you regularly come with high winds at sea and we shouldn’t be surprised if there is a storm.

So you will regularly need a storm umbrella at the beginning of February! Beautiful sunny moments can also be expected between rainy areas and showers and who knows, you might even see rainbows.

Wind and umbrella don't always go well together.  Photo: Neil Van S

Wind and umbrella don’t always go well together. Photo: Neil Van S

Winds blow from west to southwest in the first half of February, bringing thin air. The chance of frost is small, but with no wind breaks, it can still freeze a bit at night and early in the morning. During the day the temperature varies between 5 and 10 degrees. With this we can talk about normal to fairly mild weather, because on average it is around 6 degrees. Because the winds are often strong, you can experience cooler weather than the thermometer indicates.

Read also: This weather is normal in February

Next time you can take a breath of fresh air at sea.  Photo: Chris Moyes

Next time you can take a breath of fresh air at sea. Photo: Chris Moyes

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Winter is still at the last minute?

It is likely to be cooler and drier in the second half of February. This is because areas of precipitation will likely take a northerly path and we will end up in calmer weather. In calm weather, fog or low clouds can easily form and less rain falls than normal.

In the second half of February, the windows will sometimes have to be scraped again.  Photo: Gerard van Vogt

In the second half of February, the windows will sometimes have to be scraped again. Photo: Gerard van Vogt

Calm weather is accompanied by normal to slightly above normal temperatures. The average afternoon temperature at the end of February is around 8 degrees, now with enough sun the temperature sometimes climbs into double digits. Clear nights can bring light frosts.

Skis can stay in the grease for now.  Photo: Ries Rombouts

Skis can stay in the grease for now. Photo: Ries Rombouts

So the skis can still be greased in February, while you will occasionally need a window scraper, especially in the second half of the month. It was not possible after an early spring touch of a maximum of 15 degrees or more, But the days are an hour and forty-five minutes long in February.

During the winter of 2009-2010 it was a perfect winter with a lot of snow. Read Looking back at the winter of 2009-2010.

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