Was Queen Elizabeth infected with Corona in this way? † the Royal family

Was Queen Elizabeth infected with Corona in this way?  † the Royal family

The source of contamination may also be from another source. For example, Elizabeth celebrated her 70th birthday in government two weeks ago. At her home in Sandringham, she had several people at a reception at the time. This was only the first time it had appeared in the public this year.

The Queen then departed for Windsor, where she was to receive her son, Prince Charles, on February 8. Two days later, he tested positive. Last week, it was discovered that Charles’ wife, Camilla, had contracted Corona. Buckingham Palace, meanwhile, has remained silent on whether the Queen has also contracted the virus.

Doctor’s advice

The 95-year-old had another visitor to Windsor last week. Welcomed Major General Eldon Millar. During the visit she was not wearing a mask and she shook hands with her.

During the entire pandemic, Elizabeth managed to keep Corona away. Plus, I’ve coped with a doctor’s advice for the past few months. In October she spent a night in the hospital and in November she missed Sunday Memorial due to back problems. Since last fall, the Queen has also appeared in public with a wand.

Whatever the case, Queen Elizabeth’s positive corona test caused mixed reactions in Great Britain. According to reporters for royalty and royal biographers, there are minor concerns, but it is believed that the 95-year-old queen is unlikely to contract a serious illness from her three vaccinations.

‘complete rest’

Robert Jobson, author William: The Making of a Modern Kingquite the opposite woman He noted that the royal diaries would have been emptied if they were serious. Catherine, Duke of Cambridge, heads to Copenhagen on Tuesday. But what worries me is that the Queen continues to perform “light duty”. I think that given her advanced age, she should take a complete rest and leave the work to the family.” The biographer doubts that Prince Charles and the family will indeed be anxious.

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There are always concerns when someone develops corona in old age, says property rights reporter Alistair Bruce. “But she has a lot of energy and she is a great physique. The Queen is well taken care of. She is a fighter.” daily Mail

prayers for improvement

Joe Little, reporter at Majesty MagazineShe thinks Elizabeth will be sober and that the people around her might be a little less so. “They will be watching it closely for the next few days, and if all goes well, it looks like it will end up being just a minor annoyance.”

Meanwhile, it’s been raining on social media receiving the Queen’s good wishes. Many hope that she will recover quickly. Among them is Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who said on Twitter he was sure to speak on everyone’s behalf with his health wishes to the Queen.

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