Volt Nederland chiefs resign after Gündoğan ‘intensive period’ affair | the interior

Volt Nederland chiefs resign after Gündoğan ‘intensive period’ affair |  the interior

The Volt board announced this Sunday during a party conference in Den Bosch, as it largely relates to the Nilüfer Gündoğan case. She was kicked out of the group due to reports of her aggressive behaviour. Later she was also excluded.

Mueller left her position on the board of directors because she could not bring him and her family together. She has been home exhausted since the beginning of the Gundogan case.

very intense

Her party mate De Liu called from South Africa on Sunday, where he’s on vacation. “The chair of the board of directors has been very intense lately,” he explains. Lately this has been a nearly full-time job. I had a hard time with it.” De Leeuw owns his own company, which he does not believe can be combined with his presidency. “With very mixed feelings, I am resigning from my co-chairmanship with Sasha,” De Leeuw said.

The party elects a chairman who can work on it full time, and also gets paid for it. Currently, board member Amy Mull will take over as interim president. After that, the party wants to return to two co-chairs. A man and a woman according to the rules of eV.


Gundogan himself, the subject of the conference, is not present and has not been in the House of Representatives for some time. The judge previously ruled that Gundogan’s suspension was not justified, but Wohlt recently announced that he would appeal against that ruling.

The deputy previously filed a complaint against Wohlt and the 13 reporters for libel and libel, and recently said on the Jinek talk show that she was considering expanding the reporting. So Volt paid to drive her. Board Secretary Rob Keisers returned to this Sunday: “It has proven more than enough to us that Nilufer, with her behavior—reporting, expanding advertising, harming people on talk shows, no longer espouses Volt’s values.”

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critical members

While Congress is in session on Sunday, members will be allowed to ask questions to the board, and they will consider a new working group to assess the whole issue. There are several hundred members, many of whom are critical of settling the issue.

Initially, it was only scheduled for an hour, but moderators decided to extend it after protests from members who did not get their turn. During the interrogation session, it became clear that there was a connection between party leader Dasin and Mariette Hammer, the government’s commissioner for sexual aggressive behavior, about the Gundogan case. This led to a slight misunderstanding: what Dassen was talking about, it soon turned out to be about “application”.

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