Category: Top News

Pfizer vaccine provided high protection against hospitalization and severe cases of delta variant of corona virus in Israel

File photo: January 19, 2021 An elderly woman is vaccinated against the corona virus (COVID-19) at a charity center in Netanya, Israel. REUTERS / Ronen Zvulun Pfizer’s corona virus vaccine provides strong protection against delta variation in hospitals in Israel and severe cases of COVID-19 In recent weeks, this is only one though It is […]

Attorney’s Office issues arrest warrants against Sanchez Seron and three other former FMLN officers

According to the prosecutor’s office, former officials were involved in embezzling more than $ 350 million in state funds during the former president’s government and Mauricio Funes, who escaped justice. During a press conference, Attorney General Rodolfo Delgado, who was appointed by the ruling party, presented five former prisoners of the Mauritius Funes government, and […]

In development: Police arrest Violetta Menzover, Calixto Majia, Erlinda Handal and other former FMLN officers

The Attorney General’s Office called a press conference, calling it “Operation Fraud.” In an extraordinary event and without further explanation, Violeta Menzover, the former mayor of San Salvador and Minister of Public Health, was detained by members of the police, along with FMLN faction leader Nidia Diaz and the party’s former vice president, Santiago Flores. […]

Maduro says Venezuelan gold is being stolen from the UK – Venezuela – internationally

President of Venezuela, Nicholas Maduro, This Wednesday they promised “they are stealing” Gold deposited by your country in the Bank of England “Theft of the 21st century,” he described. “They are stealing Venezuelan gold reserves from Venezuela’s central bank, which are not owned by the government, they belong to an autonomous company (…) more than […]

Live: Former President Saga has agreed to pay outside the executive and other political parties

Elias Antonio Saga, convicted of illegal enrichment, has released a list of former officials who received bonuses in his cabinet. Prosecutors believe the practice could even be framed as “bribery” depending on the terms of the payment. As announced last week, during the first session of the special commission of the legislature investigating bonuses paid […]

Live: Former President Alfredo Christiani appears before the Bonus Commission in the Legislature

Former President Alfredo Cristiano (1989-1994) appeared before the Legislature as a special commission to investigate bonuses paid by previous governments. The former president of Salvador, Alfredo Christiani, came to the legislature this morning and appeared before a special panel to inquire about bonuses from the presidential palace’s public funds that are said to have been […]

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