The Portuguese summer wave is vaccinating young children in the United States

The Portuguese summer wave is vaccinating young children in the United States

At a vaccination center in New York, parents wait until their children are vaccinated.Image REUTERS

The Portuguese wave peak is lower than previous eruptions, but relatively many people became ill during the summer months

Portugal seems to be several weeks ahead of many European countries in the current corona wave, and can provide a clue as to what awaits the Netherlands this summer. In early June, the number of Portuguese infections rose rapidly. More than half of the corona tests performed are positive, and a high percentage is an indication that many infections have gone unnoticed. Hospitals also became bustling. Presumably, the increase was due to the subtypes BA4 and BA5, which were more predominant in Portugal than in the Netherlands.

In Portugal, nearly 1,900 corona patients are now in the hospital, 85 of whom are in intensive care, almost as high as Omigron since January. Shifted to population, which is six times more than in the Netherlands, where 566 Govt patients are now in the Nursing Ward and 27 in the ICU.

Portugal has been spinning for two weeks and this omigron wave is going as fast as it comes. The number of positive tests and enrollment rates are declining. No peak occupation was achieved in Portuguese hospitals last winter, with more than 6,000 corona patients admitted in January 2021. Note: The number of hospitals in Portugal has never been so high during the summer months.

In the United States, children can be vaccinated from 6 months of age

The corona vaccine has been given to babies for the first 6 months of the week in the United States. In the United States, 29 percent of children between the ages of 5 and 11 are fully vaccinated. In the Netherlands, it is very low, about 4 percent, and corona vaccines are not yet allowed on the European market for children under 5 years of age. A rapid review of the modern vaccine SpikeVox for children under 5 years of age began on May 10 at the European Medicines Agency (EMA). It is not yet known whether the vaccine for young children will be included in the Dutch vaccination program after approval. Children are less likely to become seriously ill with the corona virus than the elderly.

The vaccination gap between the rich and the poor is huge

The vaccination gap between the rich and the poor is not very small. Everyone who still wants it has received many vaccines in rich countries. In poorer countries, less than 15 percent of the population is vaccinated, and in rich countries three-quarters.

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