After previous hesitations, the Cabinet still wants to consider a single national center of expertise for people with long-standing Corona complaints. Today both SP and D66 are calling for the arrival of a post-Covid syndrome treatment center.
Public Health Minister Ernst Kuipers (D66) was previously skeptical, but said during a discussion on the coronavirus today that the National Center of Expertise can function as long as it does not have to be physically limited to one place.
The initiator of the SP, MP Martin Heijinck, believes that there is “something to be said about it”: You want doctors and specialists to improve treatment and do research. We are not looking for an expensive new building, but for the actual organization of cooperation and improvement of treatment.”
Fragmented knowledge aggregation
SP and D66 discuss a National Fragmented Knowledge Compilation Center after the coronavirus outbreak. If GPs, hospitals and paramedics share their knowledge and experience, it should help break the “puzzle” surrounding long-term coronavirus complaints more quickly. “Many patients with coronavirus infection have been walking around for a long time with complaints that have no treatment and they don’t always understand much,” says D66 Member of Parliament Wieke Paulusma, who is still suffering from corona infection in 2020. It hurts and that has to change. So the Expertise Center is an important first step to better treat these patients.”
Previously, the patient organization C-Support had already argued for a national center of expertise. According to political parties, people with Lyme disease and ME/CFS can also contact the Knowledge Center because “there seems to be a lot of overlap”. SP MP Hijink: More research and better treatment are urgently needed. Thousands of people have serious complaints every day and are unable to work or participate in society.”
It is not clear when the Experience Center will be available. Next week, the House will vote first on the proposal submitted by D66 and SP.
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