The Chamber criticizes the plan to allocate training periods for MBO students in the fight against discrimination | Policy

The Chamber criticizes the plan to allocate training periods for MBO students in the fight against discrimination |  Policy

وهو أيضًا مدرج في القائمة السوداء للشركات التي تميز. كما يريد أن يتم تقديم مطابقة المرحلة لطلاب المرحلة الثانوية المهنية. تريد D66 شيئًا مشابهًا ؛ أي أن هذا يتم تقديمه لكل تدريب داخلي ، حتى لو حدث في عام لاحق.

National Coordinator: ‘Internal discrimination continues’

NCDR National Coordinator for Combating Discrimination and Racism (NCDR) Rabin Baldeussing said earlier in a conversation with on finding an internship for students and on the job market. Even if it was up to him, training and the labor market would thus be reformed.

Experts, including Hanneke Felten of the Inclusive Knowledge Platform (KIS) community, agree with Baldewsingh. “This way you prevent companies from relying on a nickname or ‘click.’ Because clicking with someone quickly or not depends heavily on biases and stereotypes. Thus, reliance on ‘clicking’ leads to discrimination in in-house training and we must prevent that.”

Phase matching yielded positive test results

Phase matching already tested: ROC Nijmegen linked This year as pilot students directly in training companies without a job interview. Placement is based on learning objective, type of company and type of business.

The results turned out to be so positive that the MBO educational institution decided to continue with immediate placement and even expand this approach. “What we’ve heard is that many students liked this mediation method,” a spokesperson explained. “Companies have also found it to be an asset that interns bring into the business that they might not have chosen for themselves otherwise.”


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OnderwijsPolitiekDiscriminatie en racisme

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