Porsche to pay $80 million in US for cheating on diesels

Porsche to pay $80 million in US for cheating on diesels

Photo: ANP

Porsche will pay a total of $80 million to car owners disgruntled by the long-running scandal surrounding diesel cheating. The German automaker has been accused of tampering with the emissions figures of 500,000 cars in the US. A judge has now approved a million-dollar settlement.

Owners of Porsches built between 2005 and 2020 can expect cash. It ranges from $250 to $1109 per car. Porsche previously said it did not agree to the settlement but wanted to end the legal battle. The judge also approved an additional $24 million in attorney fees.

At parent company Volkswagen, a major scandal involving diesel came to light in 2015. The car company has admitted to manipulating emissions tests on a large scale with cheating software, making diesel cars appear cleaner than they actually were. The issue has already cost the car company billions in fines and repair costs.

Damage to diesel emission values ​​also came to light in other car brands. For example, Peugeot and Citroen have been sued in France for similar offences, and Opel has reached a multi-million settlement in Germany to prevent this.

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