Sybren gets revenge after an uncomfortable rejection of a dating test

Sybren gets revenge after an uncomfortable rejection of a dating test

In the new “Dating” program, blind dating and knowledge testing are combined. Previously matched pairs, who have not yet seen each other, compete against each other. This way they can finally reach the final, where they get the option to continue as a couple or compete against each other. And that could lead to some rather awkward moments, according to the first episode that aired last night.

‘He looked unhappy’

The concept of the program is very simple: in each episode, three previously identical pairs compete against each other. The singles making up a couple already spoke widely before the show, but they haven’t seen each other yet. Singles get several blind dates, then are allowed to point out who they feel connected to. Only in the studio can singles find out who their match is.

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During the audition, the singles have to work together under the leadership of Linda de Mol, and also immediately get the opportunity to get to know each other better. Once the couple loses weight, they get to know each other and can decide whether or not they want a follow-up appointment. In the end, a couple is still allowed to play the final, but not before they meet each other first. And they have to decide whether to go as a team for 100,000 euros or compete against each other with a chance of 10,000 euros.

The pair, Kayleigh and Sybren, who reached the final last night, were fine during the blind date. Although Kayleigh had already hinted a bit that she thought Sybren sounded a bit like a ‘farmer’s jerk’ because of his accent, it’s something she says she didn’t notice. However, it clicked so well during the first conversation that the two unanimously chose each other. During the audition, it soon becomes clear that the two are a good team and that they know how to beat other pairs in no time.

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When the big moment finally comes, and the two are allowed to see each other for the first time, it gets a little uncomfortable. The two are given 30 seconds to look at each other and then have to decide whether to continue as a team or if they prefer a head-to-head confrontation. where Sybren was so impressed with Kayleigh and completely’SurprisedThe feelings don’t seem to be completely mutual. Kayleigh chose to go on alone, because she thought Sybren didn’t look happy enough. “He seemed very unhappy, so I thought, ‘Yeah I’ll fight then,'” Linda de Mol explains.

In the end, Sybren turns out to be the last laugh. Because he managed to beat Kayleigh and earn at least 10,000 euros. But as athletic as he is, he lets you know that he still loves to take Kayleigh on a date.

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Reactions to the offer on Twitter were mixed. For example, some people can really enjoy the embarrassment of a test, while this is a reason for others to run away. Many people seem to find Kayleigh’s excuse for Sybren’s choice of nothing but believability.

Linda de Mol is not only busy presenting, but also playing a role in the new movie Everything is on the table Who is now in cinemas.

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