Spatial Planning Minister De Jonge does not like the Zeewolde data center – IT Pro – News

Energy is not the only factor that plays a role, because in terms of investments, there is a chance in the Netherlands that these data centers will run cleaner using, among other things, solar panels, wind and residual heat transfer. We can also easily require these investments from the operator to issue a permit, otherwise there will be no data center. We’ve also seen this approach in other businesses and real estate, and it’s a very good way to promote sustainability as a core requirement. But this is completely omitted here, why no one knows yet.

The main point here is that the destination is chosen under very strange circumstances, without interference from the population, which brings to mind the speed of corruption. On top of that, the negotiations are very poorly arranged. Only a data center with few functions and high power consumption is not what people are waiting for. If Meta set up a number of corresponding offices, each with 2-3 thousand jobs, it would be much easier to calculate Dutch prosperity at the end of the bill. What happened here is that during the negotiations it was only the (local) administrative level that looked at personal gain, not entirely in the framework of purely constructivism, and not in representing what was of value to Dutch citizens.

If you read the previous posts, you will only see that this is not pure. You do not want this in the Netherlands in the current way. News: Under pressure from Facebook, the government prioritized the power grid

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[Reactie gewijzigd door Fox op 18 maart 2022 21:07]

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