Russia stopped US nuclear tests

Russia stopped US nuclear tests


NOS news

Russia will not allow the United States to conduct nuclear weapons tests for the time being under the new treaty. The Kremlin says U.S. sanctions are making Russian inspectors unable to work and are therefore suspending cooperation for the time being.

The New Beginning Treaty is the only remaining nuclear weapons treaty between the two countries. President Obama’s 2010 deal with his Russian counterpart, Medvedev, regarding their countries’ nuclear arsenals. For example, neither country is allowed to have more than 1500 operational warships.

Presidents Putin and Biden met last year two days before the deal was finalized I agree to the extension. The new deal is valid till 2026.


Moscow says it still sees the deal as important, but says US sanctions give the US a one-sided advantage because of the war in Ukraine. A spokesperson explains that because of the lack of direct flights and visa requirements, it is difficult for Russian inspectors to enter the United States to do their work.

A spokesperson insists this is a temporary suspension of investigations. The Russian Foreign Ministry calls it “an important tool for safeguarding international security and stability.”

The White House has yet to comment on the Russian decision. While extending the agreement, Foreign Minister Blinken said the deal would help “reduce the risk of war and prevent an arms race”.

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