Red Cross: More than 19,000 Dutch people are still dependent on food aid due to internal Corona

Red Cross: More than 19,000 Dutch people are still dependent on food aid due to internal Corona

Because of the Corona crisis, thousands of people in the Netherlands still need help every day. For example, self-employed and single mothers live in poverty and depend on food aid.

According to the Red Cross relief organization, it is estimated that more than 19,000 people in the Netherlands cannot yet manage their own affairs. Families, low-income people, and single mothers have been particularly affected by the coronavirus. The “need for food”, according to the aid organization, remains “a major concern” for many vulnerable people.

According to the Red Cross, hygiene is often curtailed, although it is also a basic necessity of life. Mareke van Schaik, director of the Dutch Red Cross, said: “We believe that people have to choose between food, soap or diapers. Vulnerable people often do not have the money to buy basic care products, such as sanitary towels, incontinence products, diapers, toothpaste and detergents. If people cannot afford Taking care of themselves and their families, it often makes it difficult for them to get out of their predicament.”

Although relaxation processes provide more employment opportunities, such as the (private) cleaning industry and catering staff, the work of others starts slowly. People were forced to pay off unofficial debts.

food aid

The taxi industry has been hit hard by Corona. Marco, the taxi driver in Amstelveen, is one of those people who can’t make ends meet. If I’m lucky, I’ll take one trip, maybe twice a night. This is madness. Meanwhile, the whole world is pretending that Corona is about to end, but nothing has changed for me so far.”

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The Red Cross calls not to forget those self-employed, parents (unmarried), the elderly and families, and to provide them with support in the wake of the Corona crisis. Every week the Red Cross supports people who fall outside the scope of regular shopping card assistance. Van Shayk: We are not going to let these people down and we certainly want to support them until the end of this year with basic necessities like. Help is urgently needed to continue to do so.”

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