Qualcomm announces three SOC chips for mobile gaming devices – Computer – News

Chip designer Qualcomm has introduced three different chipsets for gaming laptops. The G1, G2, and G3x Gen 2 are for different types of mobile devices, for American company reasons.

The G1 is the cheapest type of mobile device and thus mainly focuses on streaming games locally or over the cloud. Qualcomm says. The G2 is for the mid-range and adds 5G as well as more powerful components. G3x Gen 2 is for Windows mobile devices that need to run heavy games locally.

Qualcomm says manufacturer announcements will follow soon. There is a reference design for G3X Gen 2, not G1 and G2. It is not known when the first products with socs will appear. Qualcomm did not provide any additional details about the Socs’ CPU and just write down the GPU numbers without further explanation. Qualcomm came out with its first G3x soc two years ago.

Qualcomm Corporation G1 G2 G3x Gen2
GPU Adreno A11 Adreno A21 Adreno A32
5G modem The maximum is 4.4 Gb/s Max 10Gb/s
Wi-Fi modem Wi-Fi 5 Wi-Fi 6e Wi-Fi 7
bluetooth 5.0 5.0 5.3
screen resolution Full HD, 60 Hz FHD+, 144 Hz FHD+, 144 Hz

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