PvdA and GroenLinks do not want to negotiate with the alliance

PvdA and GroenLinks do not want to negotiate with the alliance

PvdA leader Lillian Blumen sees “absolutely no role” for her party to make the continuation of the former coalition successful. “We are entering the opposition,” she said on Twitter.

Nor is Volt willing to do so. “We are not one of the negotiating parties, and once they are there we evaluate the proposals on their merits in the House. We have a constructive position as long as the plans are good enough.”

The SGP is always willing to contribute ideas, but the small Christian party sees it “not making sense” to supply ministers.

building center

1 person Liane den Haan would like to join the conversation. “I want a lot of things to happen with respect to the elderly policy,” she says. Whether she aspires to a position in the Cabinet is not immediately important to her. As far as it is concerned, the “numbers” are only relevant at the last stage of the molding process and she believes that with her only seat she will be the “last” of the turns.

Yesterday, the five “constructive center” parties were still at the negotiating table with Remix and the four parties that will now negotiate a new government. The informers called them in because they supported the motion calling for the council to consider a minority cabinet. The group leaders were photographed around that meeting:

According to PvdA member Ploumen, Remkes draws conclusions “that we don’t share that hasn’t been discussed in this way.” Remix said there was an “open call” for the five parties to support the new government made up of VVD, CDA, D66 and CU in various ways. This can be done, for example, through agreements on administrative culture, budgets or other parts of the government’s programme. They were even given the opportunity to supply the ministers at a later time, without entering into an alliance.

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Blumen writes that the PvdA is not prepared to do so. Her party will not in any way support this proposed government, which is a continuation of the current government coalition. “Not in negotiations, not in handing over ministers.”

slap in the face

Nor does GroenLinks leader Jesse Claver consider “giving the support of tolerance or ministers to a right-wing government”. It is believed that it is a slap in the face of voters that this is the conclusion after seven months, while the government fell due to the issue of allowances. Now they just continue in the same composition. I really don’t think this is possible. Change is promised, but it didn’t happen.”

Claver points out that the plans should also have a majority in the Senate. The planned coalition of VVD, D66, CDA and CU does not have this with 32 of the 75 seats.

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