“Public harassment”, criticism of the farmers’ defense force commander’s remarks

"Public harassment", criticism of the farmers' defense force commander's remarks

De Volkskrant’s interview with the leader of the working group “Farmers Defense Force” leads to a dismissal of reactions. Justice Minister Yeseljuz talks about “general harassment of a politician” in response to Mark van den Auever quotes

For example, FDD leader Van den Auver said it “could happen” that “more” farmers would come to the home of Nitrogen Minister van der Waal. The Vizier’s sons were also called “Pussies”, or effeminate, because, according to their mother, they had been frightened last week. A group of active farmers stood in front of the house

‘Across the border’

“For me, this is across the border, just like closing tracks and highways,” Justice and Security Minister Yesilguz wrote on Twitter. Van den Auever also said that the FDD is ready to block highways, shut down food supplies and move to Schiphol.

The leader of the D66 party, Paternote, also criticized the words of the leader of the front. On the Party conference in Den Bosch He spoke of “misconduct from threatening farmers.” And: “In our country, the rules of law apply, not the law of tractors.”

Paternott wants to see if it is possible to ban demonstrations in front of the cabinet door or, for example, journalists.

Leave the Holocaust out

in the interview Van den Auver again compared the treatment of farmers to the persecution of Jews during World War II. According to him, the government’s nitrogen schemes are an attack on a population.

“These kinds of stupid statements are fertile ground for anti-Semitism,” says MP VV De Elian on social media. ChristenUnie’s party chair, Seagers, also thinks the comparison to the FDD leader goes too far. “We are happy to discuss the policies and fair views of farmers, but please leave the Holocaust out of it.”

According to van der Waal and Agriculture Minister Staguerre, the reference to the Holocaust is inappropriate. It’s comparisons to the atrocities of World War II that can’t be done.”

Peasants’ protests are worthwhile

LTO President Sjaak van der Tak responded to the interview by once again defending the farmers’ protests “proper and dignified”. The farmers’ interest group believes that the tractor protests are justified, but it does not visit politicians at home.

Party leader Caroline van der Plas of BoerBurgerBeweging (BBB) ​​does not support “procedures in which people are visited at home, or procedures in which citizens are deprived of food,” she wrote on Twitter.

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