Princess Beatrix infected with Corona five days after her return from Curaçao | to watch

Princess Beatrix infected with Corona five days after her return from Curaçao |  to watch

Princess Beatrix tested positive for coronavirus. The former Queen, who will turn 84 at the end of next month, has been tested for mild cold complaints, according to the State Information Service (RVD). She is now in seclusion, at her home in Drakenstein Castle in the woods near Lage Forch.

According to RVD, the princess is “adhering to the rules of life for people who have tested positive”. People who have been in close contact with the princess have also been informed.

Because of the pollution, it is highly questionable whether the princess can personally congratulate her granddaughter Princess Amalia on her 18th birthday on Tuesday.

Beatrix returned from a visit to Curaçao last Monday morning. If the positive test result comes out today, it will be five days after the return trip from the island, which Beatrix was the first Orange to visit during the Corona crisis. Her work visit began with a strict application of a distance of two meters, as is mandatory on the island, because she wanted to stay in her “bubble” as much as possible. She was also wearing a face mask at the beginning of the visit. Corona rules such as maintaining distance and always wearing a mouth covering during the visit were not followed.

The visit of Beatrix, who was also queen of the Caribbean part of the kingdom between 1980 and 2013, partially dominated the impact of the pandemic. On a test street in Curaçao, the princess said she had already received a booster dose.

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During recent business visits to Curaçao and the Netherlands, Beatrix makes a joyful impression. She suffers from deafness in her left ear. Earlier this year, on June 11, the princess underwent surgery at Leiden University Medical Center for cholesteatoma, a type of permanent inflammation, in that ear.

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