Prince Charles Anthony Scherr’s favorite actor dies | to watch

Prince Charles Anthony Scherr’s favorite actor dies |  to watch

British actor Anthony Sher passed away at the age of 72. The Royal Shakespeare Company, with which Cher worked for a long time, reported this to the BBC. The veteran was the favorite actor of Britain’s Prince Charles, the prince once admitted.

Cher is considered one of the best classic actors of his generation. With the Royal Shakespeare Company, he played major roles as Macbeth and King Lear. He also appeared as Shylock in The Merchant of Venice.

Cher won the prestigious Olivier Award for his portrayal of Richard III’s Hunchback in the play of the same name. In addition to his performances on stage, the British actor has appeared in dozens of major films including Shakespeare in love Mrs. Brown in The Hobbit: Smaug’s demise.

A large number of celebrities from the British theater world expressed their grief on social media on Friday at the loss of the famous actor.

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