Police get involved in supermarkets where people stay up late

Police get involved in supermarkets where people stay up late

Police get involved in supermarkets where people stay up late
Photo (c) Suriname Police Force

In the early morning of Sunday, January 29, 2023, a mixed unit of Surinamese police moved against supermarket owners at two locations in Batter Weidmannstraat.

The supermarkets at Pater Weidmanstraat No. 90 and No. 56 were still open to the public at about 02:00 am. At No. 90, there seemed to be a large crowd of motorists near the shopkeeper, causing quite a stir.

The police removed the rioters from the scene. Shopkeepers permits will be sent to the district commissioner and wnd. Attorney General with an official report.

Police often encountered complaints about these supermarkets being open to the public until late after closing time. As a result, many people “hang out” in the vicinity.

The shock group also acted against the filibuster on the Wilhelminastraat.

Police warn vandals and other noise disturbers. Your entertainment should not disturb the local population. Troublemakers have been warned!

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