People born in 1977 or before: Make your online appointment now for a booster vaccine

People born in 1977 or before: Make your online appointment now for a booster vaccine

People born in 1977 or earlier can make an online appointment at GGDs to get a booster vaccine against COVID-19. This can be done by If you schedule the appointment online, it is not necessary to wait for the invitation letter from RIVM.

GGD GHOR Nederland invites people (born in 1976, 1977 or earlier) to make an appointment now via the digital portal. This is faster than calling and prevents access to the call center.

Scheduling help
Those without digital skills themselves can seek help from family, neighbors, or friends. also Library I can help. For those who prefer to do it themselves, there is also a helpful explanatory movie. This helps to schedule the appointment online yourself. Step by Step.

Click here for the demo

If you want to call, wait for the message first
If you prefer to call to set up an appointment, you must first wait for the invitation letter from RIVM. The phone number in the message. Please note: Without a letter you will not be assisted in obtaining a National Immunization Appointment Number. No point in calling.

Conditions for booster vaccination
After the last vaccination against corona, you will have to wait 3 months before you can get the booster vaccination. Was it confirmed that you had corona after the last vaccination? Also from that moment you have to wait 3 months. You can view your last vaccination history in the CoronaCheck app.

home date
People who cannot reach the GGD injection site for health reasons (or with the help of others) do not have to do anything yet. They will receive an additional letter for the vaccination at home.

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Booster is a flexible vaccine
For a booster, you will receive an mRNA vaccine (Moderna or BioNTech/Pfizer). It does not matter which vaccine you received before. You have no choice.

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