Bosnia is suspended in the EU, and no date has yet been set for accession talks

Environmental Protection AgencyEuropean Commission President von der Leyen Noos News•Today at 5:10 pm•an average Today at 5:44 pm Aida brands Brussels Editor Aida brands Brussels Editor As for the European Commission, it is possible to begin negotiations with Bosnia and Herzegovina on accession to the European Union, but the country must first show improvement in […]

Parliament allocates ‘local tax’ to Ukraine war budget • New Slovak government cuts military aid to Kiev

The U.S. government accuses Russia of sponsoring a disinformation campaign in Latin America aimed at weakening support for Ukraine and stoking anti-American sentiment. According to the Foreign Ministry, the Kremlin has not tried to directly influence newspapers, broadcasters and social media in almost all Latin American countries. To this end, it engages three Russian organizations […]

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