Omroep Flevoland – News – What does Mayor Weywind’s departure mean for the Prince?

Omroep Flevoland – News – What does Mayor Weywind’s departure mean for the Prince?

Should Almer be looking for a new mayor soon? She resembles him. According to sources from RTL Nieuws and AD, the current mayor, Frank Werwind, will be given a cabinet position in the new government. And the important player in Floriade, Eric van der Burg, will stop there to become foreign minister.

When Weywind leaves, King’s Commissioner Lynn Verbeek must act quickly. Rutte IV’s ministerial team is scheduled to be on the podium on January 10. This means that Almere will soon be without a mayor. In such a case, it is up to the King’s Commissioner to appoint an observer.

This acting mayor is a kind of temporary pope, who remains in office until the city council chooses a permanent replacement. This process is likely to start only after the municipal elections on March 16. It could then take months before a new mayor is actually found.

Floriade President becomes Secretary of State
If Frank Werwind does indeed join Rutte’s fourth cabinet as Minister for Legal Protection, he won’t be the only one with an Almir background. VVD member Eric van der Burgh will be Secretary of State for Asylum and Migration.

Van der Burgh is currently the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Florida. In this role, he regularly consults with the CEO of Almere municipality on the progress of the event.

Van der Burg also played a major role in the dismissal of director Sven Stimak. Two and a half weeks ago, it emerged during a lawsuit in Rotterdam that a breach of trust had arisen with Stimac. The former director does not agree to his dismissal and demands compensation. The judge will rule next Monday.

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Only three months left
The departure of Weerwind and Van der Burg takes place about three months before the opening of the World Horticultural Exposition. The preparations are far from flawless. For example, the safety and mobility plan does not yet meet all the conditions. Both plans are necessary to obtain an event permit. The mayor is the one who delivers it in the end.

With Weywind gone, it would be his successor who would decide.

Reporter Quinn Peters on the consequences of leaving:

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