Newer Chromebooks Show Notification If USB-C Cable Has Lower Specifications – Computer – News

Select Chromebooks will have the option to notify the user if the USB-C cable is unable to transfer the required amount of data or carry an image signal. Cables of identical appearance can still have these types of differences.

Google lets you know This functionality comes to Chromebooks with 11th and 12th generation Intel Core CPUs and Thunderbolt or USB4. Google employee Benson Leung Add That all later Chromebooks should support this functionality, likely as long as they’re not equipped with legacy Intel CPUs.

According to Google, the notification is limited to showing output capability and USB4 and Thunderbolt support. Additionally, Chrome OS indicates that the cable “may” not work properly because very old cables, starting around 2015, don’t have the electronic tags needed to indicate to a computer what it can and can’t do, so Leung explains

However, the update offers more than just a notice about bandwidth and video capability. in Twitter theme The man further tells that users in chrome://system/#typec_connector_class A large amount of diagnostic information can be found. there media It can be found for things like USBPDversion, fastest USB speed, maximum possible power transfer and much more.

Benson Leung has worked with USB cables for years as part of his work for Google. The bell rings regularly when the cable does not meet the standards or may damage the equipment. Tweakers have also written basic stories about History of the USB standard And the thunderbolt

Google also notes that with this update, Chrome OS version 102 includes the ability to change the field size of the magnifying glass tool. In addition, the Cursive app, which allows you to take notes with a stylus, will be available on all Chromebooks equipped with a stylus.

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